M. Sravan Prasad1, CH. Madhu1, G. Venkateshwalu2, Manoranjan Sabath2
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M. Sravan Prasad1 , CH. Madhu1 , G. Venkateshwalu2, Manoranjan Sabath2
1Sri indu institute of pharmacy ,sheiguda, R.R dist.501510
2Venateshwaa institte of phamacetical sciences, chelapally Nalgonda 508002
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 2,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2012
A rapid method was developed for the quantitative estimation of carbohydrates present in the different natural foodstuffs by UV-visible spectrophotometer. The sample extract of the raw rice, green gram, black gram, ground nut, guava, grape, banana, carrot, bean and milk were subjected by using anthrone as reagent for the quantitative estimation of the carbohydrate. These samples absorbance was read in UV-visible spectrophotometer at the wavelength of 750nm. The recommendation for the general population is that carbohydrate should supply 50 to 55 percent of total calories, and 130 grams per day (520 calories per day) for male and female adults and for athletes is between 55 and 65 percent of total
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Quantitative Evaluation of Carbohydrate Levels in Different Natural Foodstuffs by UV-Visible Spectrophometer. Asian J. Pharm. Ana. 2(1): Jan.-Mar. 2012; Page 10-11.
Quantitative Evaluation of Carbohydrate Levels in Different Natural Foodstuffs by UV-Visible Spectrophometer. Asian J. Pharm. Ana. 2(1): Jan.-Mar. 2012; Page 10-11. Available on: