Author(s): Sruthikrishna P.K, Sapna Shrikumar


DOI: 10.52711/2231-5675.2022.00022   

Address: Sruthikrishna P.K1*, Sapna Shrikumar2
1Student, Department of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Research Laboratory, Nehru College of Pharmacy, Pampady, Thiruvilwamala, Thrissur-680588, Kerala, India.
2Head of the Department, Department of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Research Laboratory, Nehru College of Pharmacy, Pampady, Thiruvilwamala, Thrissur-680588, Kerala, India.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 12,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2022

Mesua ferrea Linn., commonly called Nagakesara or Ceylon iron wood belongs to the family Calophyllaceae. The present study deals with the Gas Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy analysis of Mesua ferrea, which have different medicinal properties. The aim of this study was to identify the phytocomponents present in the ethylacetate extract of Mesua ferrea by using Shimadzu GC-MS Model number: QP2010S equipped with Column - ELITE-5MS (30 meter length, 0.25 mm ID, and 0.25 µm thicknesses). Fourteen compounds were identified and which includes (-)-.alpha.-copaene, .alpha.-Bergamotene, (+)-valencene, beta-eudesmene, .alpha.-selinene, .beta.-Bisabolene, 2, 4-ditert-butylphenol, delta.-cadinene, neophytadiene, Phytol, .beta.-Resorcylic acid, 5-(3, 7-dimethyl-2, 6-octadienyl)-6-pentyl-, ethyl ester, (E)-, Squalene, nonadecane, tricosane.

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Sruthikrishna P.K, Sapna Shrikumar. GC-MS analysis of phytocomponents in the ethylacetate extract of Mesua ferrea Linn. leaves. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis. 2022; 12(2):121-6. doi: 10.52711/2231-5675.2022.00022

Sruthikrishna P.K, Sapna Shrikumar. GC-MS analysis of phytocomponents in the ethylacetate extract of Mesua ferrea Linn. leaves. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis. 2022; 12(2):121-6. doi: 10.52711/2231-5675.2022.00022   Available on:

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