UHPLC: Development and Recent Applications


Hamid Khan*

Professor and Principal, Shri Ramdham Mahavidyalaya, Department of Pharmacy, Mauranipur, Jhansi (UP)

*Corresponding Author E-mail: khanhamid770@gmail.com



The pharmaceutical industries and academic institutions are adopting the more advanced chromatographic technique i.e. UHPLC for analysis pharmaceutical compounds. UHPLC has been successfully applied for identification and determination of compounds in almost every area of chromatographic and pharmaceutical analysis. It provides the fast, better chromatographic separation and shorter chromatographic run time as compared to conventional HPLC technique. In this review article author provides the information of development of UHPLC and its recent applications with examples of some of the most advanced work in the pharmaceutical analysis.


KEYWORDS: UHPLC, UPLC, Applications, Chromatography, Pharmaceutical Analysis.




High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) has proven to one of the major analytical technique used in the qualitative and quantitative analysis of drugs worldwide. More than 90% of drugs prescribed in official pharmacopoeias are being analyzed HPLC. The pharmaceutical industries and academic institutions are adopting the more advanced chromatographic techniques. UHPLC only first appeared in 2004 when Waters created their own trademarked ultra-performance chromatography (UPLC) systems. Since then, companies such as Thermo and Agilent have developed their own UHPLC systems. The basic feature in HPLC is the separation column and the material packed inside it, is the growth of this technique. By using smaller particles, speed of analysis, peak capacity can be extended to new limits and the sample can be analyzed in a shorter period of time1-10.


Development of UHPLC Column Packing:

However certain analytical requirements cannot be fulfilled by HPLC technique. Such as determination of complex samples such as formulation excipients, biological samples, drug metabolites, degradation products, impurities, and drug isomers by HPLC, several problem arises related to determination of analytes at low level (0.1%), speed of analysis and resolution per unit time. For the need of high resolution separation, the researchers were involved in the designing of sub-2µm particles. Porous packing materials can tolerate higher pressure and give much higher sample capacity than non-porous packings. First time in the year 1999, Waters developed the hybrid particle technology (HPT) column for HPLC. The second generation hybrid material particle composed with bridged ethylsiloxane/silica hybrid (BEH) structure was developed which provides improved efficiency, strength and pH range. From the above development in column packing material and particle size, Waters Company was given the trade name of UHPLC, which was known as UPLC11-26. The BEH Particle Chemistry is presented in Figure 1.


Figure 1. BEH Particle Chemistry


In this review article author provides the information of development of UHPLC and its recent applications with examples of some of the most advanced work in the pharmaceutical analysis.


Recent Applications of UHPLC:

1.      Method Development and Validation:

Method development and validation is a time-consuming and complicated process. Analysts need to evaluate combinations of mobile phase, pH, temperature, column chemistries, and gradient profiles to get a robust, reliable separation for every compound. Using UHPLC, analysis times become as short as one minute, methods can be optimized in just one or two hours, significantly reducing the time required for method development and validation27.


2.     Manufacturing and QA/QC:

Identity, purity, quality, safety and efficacy are the important factors to be considered while manufacturing a drug product. The successful production of quality pharmaceutical products requires that raw materials and finished pharmaceutical products meet purity specifications. Continued monitoring of material stability is also a component of quality assurance and control. UHPLC is used for the highly regulated, quantitative analyses performed in QA/QC laboratories. The supply of consistent and high quality products plays an important role in a registered analytical method28.


3.     Determination of FDC Products:

A fixed dose combination (FDC) product is a formulation of two or more drugs combined in a single dosage form available in certain fixed doses. Method development for two or more drugs becomes very complex if the solubility varies greatly. Hence they need to be analyzed by more sophisticated techniques such as UHPLC-PDA, UHPLC-Q-TOF/MS. A large number of samples per day can be analyzed due to the short analysis times29, 30.


4.     Identification of Impurities and Degradation Products:

The analytical technique mostly used for forced degradation studies is HPLC-UV and/or HPLC-MS but the main drawback is that these techniques are time consuming and not provide adequate information regarding resolution of all the impurities and degradation products. Due to this requisition, UHPLC-PDA is the next simple advanced technique which can be applied for identification of impurities and degradation products of pharmaceuticals. The PDA (Photodiode Array Detection) gives three- dimensional images of peaks of compounds, by which impurities can be easily traced out. Mass spectrometry is also being used for the detection of impurities. The UHPLC/Q-TOF-MS system provide changeable collision energy values allows the generation of mass information with acceptable accuracy and precision, which is ultimately helpful in structure elucidation, identification of fragmentation patterns of the drugs, identification of degradation products and establishment of degradation mechanisms31-33. The author was successfully applied the UPLC/Q-TOF-MS technique for determination of aceclofenac and paracetamol and their degradation products in tablets27.


5.      Dissolution Testing:

For quality control and release in drug manufacturing, dissolution testing is essential in the formulation, development and production process. The dissolution profile is used to demonstrate reliability and batch-to-batch uniformity of the active ingredient. For quality control and release in drug manufacturing, dissolution testing is essential in the formulation, development and production process. In sustained-release dosage formulations, testing higher potency drugs is particularly important where dissolution can be the rate-limiting step in medicine delivery. UPLC provides precise and reliable automated online sample acquisition. It automates dissolution testing, from pill drop to test start, through data acquisition and analysis of sample aliquots, to the management of test result publication and distribution34.


6.     Analysis of Sustained Release Tablets:

In-vitro dissolution study of sustained release tablets are being carried out by UPLC-PDA methods. The use of PDA detector in such studies provides the much specific peaks in chromatograms of drugs alongwith excipients of formulations. Some of these studies were carried out in developed sustained release tablets using mobile phase for UPLC analysis consisted of acetonitrile-2 mM ammonium acetate (40:60, v/v)35-37.


7.     Pharmacokinetic and Bioequivalence Studies:

For pharmacokinetic, toxicity, and bioequivalence studies, quantitation of a drug in biological samples is an important part of development programs. The sensitivity and selectivity of UPLC-PDA at low detection levels generates accurate and reliable data that can be used for a variety of different purposes, including statistical pharmacokinetics (PK) analysis38-44.


8.     Identification of Metabolites:

After the development stage of any chemical compound, its metabolite identification is a mandatory process. For complete knowledge of therapeutic effectiveness of the compound, it is essential to identify all of related metabolites. It has been used successfully in metabolite study using selected MS/MS transitions of molecular ion and product ions for quantification in sample matrix. The identification of the human metabolites of paracetamol was carried out by HPLC monolithic column and sub-2 μm particle UPLC columns along with TOF-MS. The UHPLC system produced the sensitivity and detected metabolites by three times more than the HPLC system. The metabolite profiling has been investigated in various biological samples by applying UHPLC/Q-TOF coupled with MetaboLynx™ software. Biotransformation of new chemical entities (NCE) is necessary for drug discovery. When a compound reaches the development stage, metabolite identification becomes a regulated process45-49.


9. Metabonomic Studies:

The biochemical changes in the drug product when it exposed to human system is known as metabonomics. Metabonomic studies are helpful in the discovery new metabolites of drug. By the identification of metabolites, its therapeutic and toxic aspects can be determined. It has been employed in pharmaceutical development particularly in the fast in-vitro and in-vivo studies of drug products. The chemical structures of various constituents in red and white ginseng used in Chinese formulations were determined by this technique. UPLC used for accurate, reliable and reproducible analysis of amino acids in the areas of protein characterizations, cell culture monitoring and the nutritional analysis of foods50-52.


10. Determination of Phytoconstituents:

Determination of phytoconstituents analysis involves usage of several analytical techniques for the isolation and characterization of phytoconstituents. Primitive techniques basically involved usage of UPLC-MS for the isolation and determination of phytoconstituents i.e. characterizations and quantitation of phytoconstituents has been reported in Piper betle53.


11. Analysis of Natural Products and Herbal Medicine:

UPLC provides high-quality separations and detection capabilities to identify active compounds in highly complex samples that results from natural products and traditional herbal medicines. UPLC–Q-TOF-MS/MS was applied for the fingerprinting of Traditional Chinese Formula SiJunZiTang54.


12. Peptide Mapping:

The identification of chemical structure of the Peptide connected within the protein is known as peptide mapping. This technique provides authentic results in the when employed in the analysis complex molecules such as proteins. The structural identification of proteins can become easier by applying the time-of-flight mass detection55.


13. Amino Acid Analysis:

Amino acid analysis is a well established technique for determining all 20 common amino acids in proteins or peptides, as well as modified residues that might arise from posttranslational modifications. Amino acid analysis is a well accepted and adopted analytical method in biotechnology, and it has been adapted to operate in the UHPLC framework56.


14. Glycoprofiling (Glycan Analysis):

In general, glycoproteins contain glycans, or oligosaccharides (sugars), and usually do not contain attached monosaccharides. Characterization of any glycoprotein requires the determination of the sugars that are present, measurement of their configurations as glycans, determination of the site or sites of attachment on the protein, and finally, the distribution of glycoforms. The proportion of the glycoforms is most often measured using intact-protein UPLC-MS57.


15. Vitamin analysis:

Several UPLC-MS methods have been reported for the analysis of vitamin B complex (thiamin, riboflavin, biotin, nicotinic acid, pyridoxine, pyridoxamine, pyridoxal, pantothenic acid, FAD, and nicotinamide) analysis in human milk. UPLC-MS coupled with ESI techniques is used to analyze vitamin B from milk sample58.


16. Determination of alkaloids:

Ortega et al. reported identification and quantification of alkaloids, theobromine, and caffeine in cocoa sample using UPLC-MS/MS. It has also been reported for alkaloid profiling of medicinal plants having cytotoxic properties. It is used for analysis of various alkaloids such as sanguinarine, berberine, protopine, and chelidonine59.


17. Screening of Antibiotics in Surface and Wastewater:

This technique has been applied in the detection of antibiotics from surface water, influent and effluent wastewaters. These compounds are carried by washing of machineries and transferred in to the wastewater during the manufacturing process. Several antibiotics such as ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin along with other were determined and confirm the presence of the residues of such substances in wastewater in the pharmaceutical industries60.


18. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring:

The monitoring of β-lactam antibiotic concentration in plasma of patients with different pharmacokinetics. UPLC-MS/MS method was applied for the simultaneous estimation of two β -lactamase inhibitors and seven β- lactam antibiotics in human plasma61.   


19. Screening of Synthetic Compounds:

The technique has become critical tools for use in high-throughput quality control screening of synthetic medicinal compounds. The use of more conventional techniques such as NMR cannot address these high throughput analytical needs due to relatively poor sensitivity, high sample purity requirement, necessity of operator expertise and the use of costly solvents. To simplify the analytical procedures, automation in combination with application of software for exact mass measurement is demonstrated62.


20. Analysis of Antioxidants and Phenolic Compounds:

It’s been well-know that antioxidant has ability to fight against free radicals since free radicals are considered as a causative agent for several diseases. However, use of antioxidant has increased in food industry due to its antimicrobial property. Phenolic profiling as well as antioxidant activities can be analyzed UPLC-ESI-MS/MS in Salvia species in some of the medicinal plants from South West Anatolia, Turkey. It was first reported for the analysis of individual phenolic profiles of S. potentillifolia, S. albimaculata, and S. nydeggeri63.


21. Identification of Unknown Pesticides:

The method is used in the identification of pesticides in the vegetables and fruits. The identification of these toxic materials from vegetables is essential to public health, which can be determined by this sensitive method. The pesticide residue present at very low concentration level collected from packaging materials used for packaging of fruits were analyzed by technique64.


22. Analysis of Doping Agents:

Method has been applied for doping control and analyses of doping agents from various classes such as β-blockers, stimulants, diuretics, and narcotics. However the developed methods have been used for screening screening of the doping agents, then finally applied for quantification. The method was found reliable for the determination of these restricted drugs by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). The applied method was validated as per the guidelines described in the World Anti-Doping Code65.


23. Screening of Organic Pollutants in Water:

It is applied for determination of organic contaminants in natural and waste water. The samples were obtained from solid-phase extraction procedure. The analysis was carried out by standard addition technique. Organic pollutants from various sources were mixed with water samples in the range concentration levels and analyzed by this technique. The developed method was applied for detection and identification of several organic contaminants, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs66.


24. Iodinated Byproducts in Drinking Water (IBP):

With the help of UPLC coupled to electrospray ionization-triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (ESI-tqMS), several iodinated byproducts in water (IDBPs) treated with chlorine and chlorine-ammonia have been analyzed quantitatively and their structures were proposed67.


25. Toxicity Studies:

During the drug development process, toxicity issue causes a fall out of drug candidates and this causes monetary loss to the organization. It is a complicated task to estimate candidate drugs for possible inhibition or initiation of metabolizing enzymes, toxicity or drug-drug interactions in the body. UPLC allows precise detection due to its high resolution. Further, its sensitivity also allows the detection of the peaks at low concentrations. These factors lessen the time for analysis and decrease failure of sample analysis68.


The UHPLC Applications with their examples of drugs analyzed are presented in Table 1.


Table-1 UHPLC Applications with Details of Column, Mobile Phase Composition and Detection Technique Used






Mobile Phase Composition




Method Development and Validation

Metformin, Glimepiride and   Pioglitazone Tablets

BEH C-18

Acetonitrile: 2Mm Ammonium Acetate (50:50, % V/V)

PDA Detector



Manufacturing and QA/QC


Production (GMP)

Monolithic and  

3-micron particle

Acetonitrile: 2Mm Ammonium Acetate (50:50, % V/V)

UV Detector



Determination of FDC Products

Aceclofenac and  

Paracetamol Tablets

BEH C-18

Acetonitrile: 2Mm Ammonium Acetate (40:60, % V/V)


[29, 30]


Identification of Impurities and Degradation Products

Telmisartan and   Hydrochlorothiazide

BEH C-18

Acetonitrile: 2Mm Ammonium Acetate (50:50, % V/V)


[31, 32]


BEH C-18

Acetonitrile: 2Mm Ammonium Acetate (50:50, % V/V)




Dissolution Studies


BEH C-18

Acetonitrile: Phosphate Buffer  (35:65, % V/V)

UV Detector



Analysis of Sustained Release Tablet

Aceclofenac and     

Paracetamol Tablets

BEH C-18

Acetonitrile:2Mm Ammonium Acetate (40:60, % V/V)

PDA Detector


Telmisartan and Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets

BEH C-18

Acetonitrile:2Mm Ammonium Acetate (40:60, % V/V)

PDA Detector

[36, 37]


Pharmacokinetic and Bioequivalence Studies

Aceclofenac and   Paracetamol Tablets

BEH C-18

Acetonitrile: 2Mm Ammonium Acetate (40:60, % V/V)


[38, 39]

Telmisartan and    Hydrochlorothiazide

BEH C-18

Acetonitrile: 2Mm Ammonium Acetate (40:60, % V/V)



Anti-hypertensive drugs

BEH C-18

Acetonitrile: 2Mm Ammonium Acetate (40:60, % V/V)




BEH C-18

Acetonitrile-10 mmol/L Ammonium acetate (75:25, v/v)






BEH C-18

Water: Acetonitrile, with 0.3% formic acid




RP C-18

Methanol-Water (72:28, v/v)




Identification of Metabolitees


Monolithic C-18

Water: Acetonitrile, with 0.1% formic acid


[45, 46]


BEH C-18

Water: Acetonitrile, with 0.1% formic acid




BEH C-18

Water: Acetonitrile, with 0.1% formic acid





Water: Acetonitrile, with 0.1% formic acid




Metabonomic studies


BEH C-18

Water: Acetonitrile, with 0.1% formic acid




Determination of


  Eugenyl acetate & Eugenol in Piper betle leaf

BEH C-18

Water: Acetonitrile, with 0.1% formic acid




Analysis of Herbal Medicine

Chinese Formula- SiJunZiTang

BEH C-18

Water: Acetonitrile, with 0.1% formic acid




Peptide Mapping


BEH C-18

Water: Acetonitrile, with 0.1% formic acid




Amino Acid Analysis

Amino Acids

BEH C-18

25% to 60%

Acetonitrile: Water




Glycoprofiling (Glycan Analysis)


BEH C-18

Water: Acetonitrile, with 0.1% formic acid




Vitamin analysis

Thiamin, Riboflavin, Biotin, Nicotinic acid and   Pyridoxine,


2.5 mmol/L Ammonium Formate in Water & Acetonitrile




Determination of alkaloids

Procyanidins, Theobromine and   Caffeine

Acquity HSS T3

Water/Acetic acid (99.8/0.2, v/v) and Acetonitrile

Triple- q-ESI-MS/MS



Screening of Antibiotics in Surface and Wastewater

Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Erythromycin

BEH C-18

Acetonitrile: Ammonium Acetate (50:50% V/V)

Hybrid QTOF-MS



Therapeutic Drug Monitoring


BEH C-18

Water: Acetonitrile, with 0.1% formic acid




Screening of Synthetic Compounds



BEH C-18

Acetonitrile: 2mM Ammonium Acetate (50:50% V/V)




Analysis of Antioxidants and Phenolic Compounds

Phenolic compounds

BEH C-18

0.5% Acetic Acid in water and 0.5% Acetic Acid in methanol




Identification of Unknown Pesticides

Carbendazim, Imazalil, and Ethoxyquin

BEH C-18

Acetonitrile: Ammonium Acetate (50:50% V/V)




Analysis of Doping Agents

Beta-blockers, Stimulants and Narcotics

BEH C-18

Acetonitrile: Ammonium Acetate (50:50% V/V)




Screening of Organic Pollutants in Water

Organic Pollutants

BEH C-18

Acetonitrile: Ammonium Acetate (50:50% V/V)




Iodinated Byproducts in Drinking Water (IBP)

Polar Iodinated Byproducts

BEH C-18

Acetonitrile: Ammonium Acetate (50:50% V/V)

ESI-triple- quadrupole MS



Toxicity Studies




Acetonitrile: Ammonium Acetate (50:50, % V/V)




In the presented review article the information of development of UHPLC and its recent applications with examples of some of the most advanced work in the pharmaceutical analysis has been described. The analytical method development is a critical factor in the development and regulatory compliance of pharmaceutical products. Qualitative and quantitative analysis is important because of drug quality as it determines the efficacy of any drug or dosage form. UHPLC has been successfully applied for identification and determination of compounds in almost every area of chromatographic and pharmaceutical analysis. It provides the fast, better chromatographic separation and shorter chromatographic run time as compared to conventional HPLC technique.



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Received on 24.11.2022       Modified on 15.04.2023

Accepted on 29.07.2023   ©Asian Pharma Press All Right Reserved

Asian J. Pharm. Ana. 2024; 14(1):39-46.

DOI: 10.52711/2231-5675.2024.00008