A Novel RP-HPLC Method Development and Validation for the Determination of Pioglitazone and Glimepiride in Bulk and Pharmaceutical Formulations


B. Venkateswara Rao*, P. Vijetha, S. Vidyadhara, K. Kavitha

Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chowdavaram, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India

*Corresponding Author E-mail: venkat.jabili@gmail.com



A simple, precise, accurate, reproducible and economical stability- indicating reverse phase liquid chromatography method was developed and validated for the quantitative simultaneous estimation of Pioglitazone and Glimepiride in marketed formulations. Estimation of drugs in this combination was done with a C18 column (Kromasil 100-5 column, 250mm x 4.6mm) using mobile phase of composition phosphate buffer pH 7: Acetonitrile in ratio 60:40 v/v. The flow rate was 0.8 ml/min and the effluents were monitored at 230 nm. The retention time of Pioglitazone and Glimepiride were 6.71 min and 8.38 min respectively. The method was found to be linear over a range of 10-50 mg/ml for Pioglitazone and 3-15mg/ml for Glimepiride. The established method proved as reproducible one with a % RSD value of less than 2 and having the robustness and accuracy within the specified limits. Assay of marketed formulation was determined and find with 96% and 98% for Pioglitazone and Glimepiride respectively. The method was validated according to the guidelines of International Council for Harmonization (ICH) and was successfully employed in the estimation of commercial formulations. This liquid chromatographic method can be applied for the qualitative and quantitative determination of selected drugs by the modern chemist.


KEYWORDS: Pioglitazone, Glimepiride, RP-HPLC and Method validation.




Pioglitazone is chemically designated as RS)-5-(4-[2-(5-ethylpyridin-2-yl) ethoxy ]benzyl)thiazolidine-2,4-dione  is a hypoglycemic drug with a pKa value of 14.64. Its molecular formula is C19H20N2O3S and it has a molecular weight of 165.52gm/mole. It is soluble in methanol, slightly soluble in acetone and acetonitrile. It is official drug in Martindale [1], Merck index [2] and Indian Pharmacopeia 2007 and 2014 [3].








Fig 1: Chemical Structures of a) Pioglitazone and b) Glimepiride

Glimepiride is an oral hypoglycemic drug which is chemically designated as1-[[p-[2-(3-ethyl-4-methyl-2-oxo-3-pyrroline-1-carboxamido) ethyl] phenyl] sulfonyl-3-(trans-4-methyl cyclohexyl) urea.  The molecular formula is C24H34N4O5S and molecular weight is 490.62 gm/mol. It is a white to off-white crystalline powder. That is soluble in methanol and dimethyl formamide. It is official drug in Martindale [1], Merck index [2] and Indian Pharmacopeia 2007 and 2014[3].


Extensive literature survey proved that very few methods were reported for the determination of Pioglitazone and Glimepiride individually or in combination by RP-HPLC [4-22] but few methods had been reported for simultaneous estimation of these two drugs. So we attempted to develop an accurate, rapid, precise, stable, sensitive and economically viable liquid chromatographic method for the simultaneous determination of selected drugs in the present research.



Equipment used

The chromatographic separation was performed on Agilent 1120 compact liquid chromatographic system integrated with a variable wavelength programmable UV detector and a Rheodyne injector equipped with 20ml fixed loop. A reverse phase C18 [Kromasil 100-5 column, 250mm x 4.6mm] was used. Lab India 3000+double beam UV visible spectrophotometer and Axis AGN204-PO electronic balances were used for spectrophotometric determinations and weighing purposes respectively.


Reagents and chemicals

Pharmaceutical grade pure Pioglitazone and Glimepiride gift samples were procured from Mylan Laboratories, Hyderabad. Marketed formulation Tablets with dose of 50 mg of Pioglitazone and 15 mg of Glimepiride were procured from local market (Pioglar by Ranbaxy Pharma). HPLC grade Acetonitrile and Water were procured from Merck specialties private limited, Mumbai.


Chromatographic conditions

Kromasil-C18 column 5mm [250mm x 4.6mm] was used for the chromatographic separation at a detection wave length of 230 nm. Mobile phase with a composition of Phosphate buffer pH 7 and Acetonitrile in a ratio of 60:40 v/v was selected for elution and same mixture was used in the preparation of standard and sample solutions. Flow rate was adjusted to 0.8 ml/min and the injection volume was 20ml.


Preparation of Mobile phase

Phosphate buffer pH 7 was prepared by dissolve 0.504 gm of disodium hydrogen phosphate and 0.301gm of Potassium dihydrogen phosphate of HPLC grade water and adjusts the pH to 7.0 with sufficient water was added to produce100 ml filtered through 0.45m membrane filter and sonicated for 15 minutes.


Preparation of Standard solutions

25mg each of Pioglitazone and Glimepiride were accurately weighed and transferred into two 25ml volumetric flasks, dissolved using mobile phase and the volume was made up with the same solvent to obtain primary stock solutions A (Pioglitazone) and B (Glimepiride) of concentration 1000 mg/ml of each drug. From the  primary stock solutions 0.8ml and 0.5 ml were pipette out from A and B respectively, transferred to a 10ml volumetric flask and the volume was made up with the mobile phase to obtain final concentrations of 80µg/ml and 50 µg/ml of Pioglitazone  and Glimepiride respectively and this solution is (working stock solution A).


Preparation of Sample Solution

Twenty tablets of Pioglitazone and Glimepiride were weighed and crushed. Tablet powder equivalent to 300 mg of Pioglitazone and 40 mg of Glimepiride was weighed accurately and transferred to a 25 ml volumetric flask. The content was dissolved with 10ml of mobile phase and then sonicated for 15min. The volume was made up with the mobile phase and filtered with 0.45mmembrane filter and sonicated for 20 min. 0.8 ml of this solution was pipette out and transferred to a 10 ml volumetric flask and the volume was made up with the mobile phase to obtain a concentration of 80µg/ml of Pioglitazone and 50 µg/ml of Glimepiride (working stock solution B).


Optimization of RP-HPLC method

The HPLC method was optimized with an aim to develop a simultaneous estimation procedure for the assay of Pioglitazone and Glimepiride. For the method optimization, different mobile phases were tried, but acceptable retention times, theoretical plates and good resolution were observed with Phosphate buffer pH 7 and Acetonitrile (60:40 v/v) using Kromasil-C18 column 5mm [250mm x 4.6mm].


Validation of the RP-HPLC method

Validation of the optimized method was performed according to the ICH Q2 (B) guidelines.


System suitability

System suitability was carried out with five injections of solution of 100% concentration having 50µg/ml of Pioglitazone and 15 µg/ml of Glimepiride in to the chromatographic system. Number of theoretical plates (N) obtained and calculated tailing factors (T) were reported in table 1.


Fig 2: Optimized chromatogram of Pioglitazone and Glimepiride


Fig 3: Calibration plot of Pioglitazone


Fig 4: Calibration plot of Glimepiride


Table 1: System Suitability Parameters (n=5)




Retention time (min)



Theoretical plates (N)



Tailing factor (T)



Resolution (Rs)


*n= No. of determinants




For the determination of linearity, appropriate aliquots were pipette out from working stock solution A to a series of 10ml volumetric flasks and volume was made up with the solvent to obtain concentration ranging from 10-50mg/ml of Pioglitazone and 3-15mg/ml of Glimepiride. Each solution was injected in triplicate. Calibration curves were plotted with observed peak areas against concentration followed by the determination of regression equations and calculation of the correlation coefficients. The calibration curves for Pioglitazone and Glimepiride were shown in figure 3 and figure 4 their corresponding linearity parameters were given in table 2.



Table 2: Results for Linearity (n=3)




Linearity Range (µg/ml)



Regression Equation

y =  93687x + 72226

y =  17080x + 28025

Slope (m)



Intercept (c)



Regression Coefficient (r2)



Limit of Detection (µg/ml)



Limit of Quantitation (µg/ml)



*n= No. of determinants


Fig.5: Assay chromatogram of Pioglitazone and Glimepiride in Tablet formulation


Limit of Detection (LOD) and Limit of Quantitation (LOQ)

The LOD and LOQ were calculated from the slope(s) of the calibration plot and the standard deviation (SD) of the peak areas using the formulae LOD = 3.3 σ/s and LOQ = 10 σ/s. The results were given in table 2.



The repeatability of the method was verified by calculating the %RSD of six replicate injections of 100% concentration (50mg/ml of Pioglitazone and 15mg/ml of Glimepiride) on the same day and for intermediate precision % RSD was calculated from repeated studies on different days. The results were given in table 3.



Table 3: Results of Precision (n=6)


Intraday Precision (%RSD)

Interday Precision (%RSD)







*n= No. of determinants

Table 4: Results for Accuracy (n=3)

Recovery Level



Amount Added (µg/ml)

Amount Found (mg)


Amount Added (µg/ml)

Amount Found (mg)

% Recovery (w/w)
































*n= No. of determinants




To ensure the reliability and accuracy of the method recovery studies were carried out by standard addition method. A known quantity of pure drug was added to pre-analyzed sample and contents were reanalyzed by the proposed method and the percent recovery was reported. The results were given in table 4.


Table 5: Results for Robustness (n=3)

Parameters   (n=3)




Detection wavelength at 228nm



Detection wavelength at 232nm



Flow rate 0.6ml/min



Flow rate  1ml/min



*n= No. of determinants



Specificity of a method was determined by testing standard substances against potential interferences. The method was found to be specific when the test solution was injected and no interferences were found because of the presence of excipients. The optimized chromatogram of Pioglitazone and Glimepiride without any interference was shown in figure 2.



Robustness of the method was verified by altering the chromatographic conditions like wavelength detection, flow rate, etc. and the % RSD should be reported. Small changes in the operational conditions were allowed and the extent to which the method was robust was determined. A deviation of ±2 nm in the detection wave length and ±0.2 ml/min in the flow rate, were tried individually. A solution of 100% test concentration with the specified changes in the operational conditions was injected to the instrument in triplicate. %RSD was reported in the table 5.



Ruggedness of the method was verified by altering method parameters like different instruments, analysts, laboratories, reagents, days etc. The solution containing 50 μg/ml of Pioglitazone and 15 μg/ml of Glimepiride was injected into HPLC three times under different parameters like different analysts. %RSD was reported in the table 6.



Table 6: Results for Ruggedness (n=6)



Analyst 1

Analyst 2








Assay of Marketed Formulations

20 ml of sample solution of concentration 50 mg/ml of Pioglitazone and 15mg/ml of Glimepiride was injected into chromatographic system and the peak responses were measured. The solution was injected three times in to the column. The amount of drug present and percentage purity was calculated by comparing the peak areas of the standards with that of test samples. A typical chromatogram for assay of marketed formulation was shown in figure 5 and the obtained values were reported in the table 7.


Table 7: Results for Assay (n=3) of Marketed formulation


Label claim (mg/tab)

Amount recovered

% Amount found in drug









*n= No. of determinants



After a number of trials with mobile phases of different composition, Phosphate buffer pH 7 and Acetonitrile in the ratio 60:40v/v was selected as mobile phase because of better resolution and symmetric peaks. Pioglitazone and Glimepiride were found to show appreciable absorbance at 230nm when determined spectrophotometrically and hence it was selected as the detection wavelength. An optimized chromatogram showing the separation of Pioglitazone and Glimepiride at different Rts was shown in figure 2.


System suitability was carried out by injecting 5 replicate injections of 100% test concentration, number of theoretical plates, HETP and resolution were satisfactory. The chromatograms confirm the presence of Pioglitazone and Glimepiride at 6.7min and 8.38min respectively without any interference. The parameters were given in table 1.


Concentration range of 10-50 µg/ml for Pioglitazone and 3-15 µg/ml of Glimepiride were found to be linear with correlation coefficients 0.999 and 0.999 for Pioglitazone and Glimepiride respectively. The results were given in table 2.


The limits of detection for Pioglitazone and Glimepiride were found to be 0.658 µg/ml and 0.54 µg/ml respectively and the limit of Quantitation were 1.99 µg/ml and 1.64 µg/ml respectively. Values were represented in table 2.


The proposed method was found to be precise and reproducible with %RSD of 0.58 and 0.77 for Pioglitazone and Glimepiride respectively. %RSD was reported in table 3.


Accuracy of the method was verified by performing recovery studies by standard addition method. The percent recovery of the standard added to the pre-analysed sample was calculated and it was found to be 96% to 97% and 93 to 96% for Pioglitazone and Glimepiride respectively. This indicates that the method was accurate. Values obtained were given in table 4. The method was found to be robust after changing the conditions like detection wavelength (± 1nm) and flow rate (± 0.2 ml). %RSD was calculated for each variation and reported. Values obtained were given in table 5.

The method was found to be specific for the combination of interest after verifying the chromatograms showing no interference of the excipients present. Hence, the method was well suitable for the estimation of the commercial formulations of the selected combination with a percentage purity of 96% for Pioglitazone and 98% for Glimepiride. The typical chromatogram for assay of marketed formulations was shown in figure.5 and Values obtained were given in table 6.



The RP-HPLC method developed and validated allows a simple and fast quantitative determination of Pioglitazone and Glimepiride from their formulations. All the validation parameters were found to be within the limits according to ICH guidelines. The proposed method was found to be specific for the drugs of interest irrespective of the excipients present and the method was found to be simple, accurate, precise, rugged and robust. So the established method can be employed in the routine analysis of the marketed formulations.



The authors are thankful to the Mylan Pharmaceuticals ltd. for providing the gift samples of drugs and also to the management of Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chowdavaram, Guntur for providing facilities and great support to carry out the research work.



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Received on 18.03.2017       Accepted on 28.05.2017     

© Asian Pharma Press All Right Reserved

Asian J. Pharm. Ana. 2017; 7(3): 145-150.

DOI:  10.5958/2231-5675.2017.00023.0