Effect of Catalyst on Luminol - Hydrogen Peroxide–Water Chemiluminescence System


V.K. Jain*

Department of Chemistry, Pt. Shyamacharan Shukla College, Dharsiwa, Raipur (C.G.)

*Corresponding Author E-mail: vikaskumarjain1@rediffmail.com




The Chemiluminescence properties of Luminol – Hydrogen peroxide reaction was studied in aqueous medium with different catalysts (CuSO4.5H2O, K3Fe(CN)6 and CrCl3). It was observed that CL-behavior like Imax and t1 depend on the catalyst in aqueous medium. Among the catalysts used, CuSO4.5H2O is the best catalyst. The study is useful for the determination of analyte by CL method.






Chemiluminescence (CL), the production of light during a chemical reaction, has proved to be a useful phenomenon in the laboratory and is finding ever increasing applications in analytical chemistry [1]. Current researches on CL are focused in two general directions. One is the discovery of new CL reactions and investigation of their applicability for analysis of real samples and the other direction is the creation of CL detection systems for newly developed separation techniques. Researches on new CL reactions are very important since they open new horizons for the technique. However, sometimes the study of the mechanism of the reaction is bypassed and emphasis is given to the applications only. Nevertheless, a detailed study would help in studying and improving the analytical performance of the procedure.


CL based on the oxidation of Luminol (LH2) (5-amino-2,3-dihydro-1,4-phthalazinedione) is one of the most extensively studied and best known CL system [2-4]. The oxidation is usually carried out in an alkaline solution using an oxidant, such as hydrogen peroxide [5], hypochlorite [6], permanganate [7], or iodine [8]. The Luminol-H2O2 system is one of the most efficient CL systems, known. Luminol-CL in water is mostly applied for analytical purposes, especially forensic medicine (to detect trace amounts of blood). This is why Luminol oxidation reaction in water has been investigated with such intension in mind. Catalyst is necessary for Luminol- H2O2 CL system in aqueous medium [9]. In the present study, the results of the effect of catalyst on the decomposition reaction between Luminol and hydrogen peroxide in aqueous medium, is reported.



2.1 Materials:

Luminol (from Thomas backer), anhydrous sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, ammonium carbonate monohydrate, copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate, potassium ferricyanide, chromium chloride, hydrogen peroxide (all from E merch, AR/GR grade) were used. Triple distilled water was used throughout during the studies.


2.2 Solutions preparation :

For the present investigation, 0.01g Luminol, 2.4g NaHCO3, 0.4g Na2CO3(anhydrous), 0.05g (NH4)2CO3.H2O, 0.04g catalyst (CuSO4.5H2O or K3Fe(CN)6 or CrCl3) were taken and dissolved in 100 ml of water. This was the stock solution of Luminol for a particular catalyst. For the preparation of 1.5% H2O2 stock solution, 5ml of 30% H2O2 solution was taken and then it was made up to 100ml by adding water (the actual H2O2 content was found by titration against KMnO4 and then it was maintained 1.5% level).


2.3 Instruments and Methods:

All the experiments were performed on a chemiluminometer setup connected to an X-Y recorder (Fig.1). Stock solution of Luminol (1ml) in particular catalyst was taken in reaction cell and H2O2 solution (1ml) was added through




Fig. 2 and 3 and Table-1 show the effect of catalyst on Luminol- H2O2 CL in aqueous medium. From the Table-1, it can be seen that CuSO4.5H2O gives the maximum intensity (Imax) and more decay time, whereas the light produced by K3Fe(CN)6 and CrCl3 is less intense and having less decay time. tmax (time at maximum intensity) is not affected by the catalyst, which was used in the present investigation.


It is well known that decomposition of hydrogen peroxide and its reaction with inorganic or organic compounds are catalyzed by transition metal ions or their complexes in both heterogeneous and homogeneous systems. The radical chain mechanism for the reaction catalyzed by transition metal ions, which can exist in two oxidation states, such as Cu, Fe, Co, Cr and Mn, was suggested for this reaction. The oxidation of organic compounds by the Fenton reagent (Fe + H2O2) is one example [10] of this type of mechanism. In the presence of these metal ions, hydrogen peroxide decomposes to produce oxygen through the following reactions (From equation 1 to equation 3)-


Mn+  +  H2O2            M(n-1)+  +  HOO.  +  H+           ...(1)


M(n-1)+  +  H2O2            Mn+  +  HO.  +  OH-              ...(2)


2HOO.                          H2O2   +  O2                                    ...(3)


This released oxygen then attack Luminol through following mechanism and emission of CL light occurs (From equation 4 to equation 8).


Fig. 1 Experiment setup of chemiluminometer



Fig. 2 Catalyst effect on the intensity of Luminol-H2O2-Water CL system


Fig. 3 Catalyst effect on decay time of Luminol-H2O2-Water CL system



From the mechanism, it can be concluded that H2O2 decomposition rate is more for CuSO4.5H2O, therefore Imax is more and H2O2 decomposition rate is less for K3Fe(CN)6 or CrCl3, so its Imax is less. Time at maximum intensity tmax is not affected by the catalyst used which means that the reaction co-ordinate does not change by the presence of different catalyst. The above facts are evidence from Table–1.



From the study on Luminol - H2O2 – water CL behavior involving the effect of catalyst (CuSO4.5H2O, K3Fe(CN)6 and CrCl3), the important conclusions drawn are:

(i)    Luminol- H2O2 CL in aqueous medium depends on catalyst.

(ii)   Among the transition metal compounds, which were used as catalyst, CuSO4.5H2O is the best catalyst which produces light of maximum intensity.

(iii)  Position of tmax is not affected by the catalyst used.

(iv)  Decomposition reaction rate of H2O2 depends on the catalyst used.

(v)   Decay time is also affected by the catalyst used.



Author is thankful to CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research) for the financial support (Award No. 9/266(63)/2003 EMR-I) and to Prof. G.L. Mundhara, Ex-Head, School of Studies in Chemistry, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur (C.G.) for providing the necessary facilities for the study.


Table – 1 : Effect of catalyst on the Luminol - H2O2 - Water  CL system


Imax ,arb. unit

tmax ,s

M1 ,s-1

















Imax = Maximum Intensity,       tmax = Time at maximum intensity, 

M1 = Fast decay slope,             t1= Fast decay time.      



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Received on 05.07.2013                                   Accepted on 28.07.2013                                                                        

© Asian Pharma Press All Right Reserved

Asian J. Pharm. Ana. 3(4): Oct. - Dec. 2013; Page 138-140