Spectrophotometric Method for Determination of Aripiprazole
Hydrochloride in Bulk and Pharmaceutical Formulations
Mohan Krishna Lokireddy1*, Jayachandra Reddy. P2, Nallathambi
Prabhakar Reddy. B1
1Vignan Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Deshmukhi, Nalgonda, Andhra
Pradesh, India.
2Krishna Teja Pharmacy College, Tirupati,
*Corresponding Author E-mail: mohanlokireddy@gmail.com
Four simple and sensitive
spectrophotometric methods (A – D) for the assay of Aripiprazole
in pure and dosage forms based on the formation of chloroform soluble
ion-associates under specified experimental conditions are described. Four
acidic dyes, namely, wool fast Blue (WFB BL, method A), orange II (Tpooo, method B), Naphthalene Blue 12 BR (NB-12BR, method
C), and Azocarmine (AG, method D) are utilized. The extracts of the ion-associates exhibit
absorption maxima at 580, 480, 630 and 540 nm for methods A, B, C and D,
respectively. Beer’s law and the
precision and accuracy of the methods are checked by the UV reference.
Aripiprazole (APZ) 7-[4-[4-
(2,3-dichlorophenyl) -1piperazinyl] butoxy]-3,4-dihydrocarbostyril is a psychotropic drug that
is available as Tablets, Orally Disintegrating Tablets, Oral Solution, and a
solution for intramuscular injection. The reported analytical procedures for the estimation of APZ in
bulk samples and in unit dosage forms are based on both sophisticated HPLC1-3,
GLC4, and LC-MS5,6. During the course of our efforts to develop
simple sensitive and specific/selective analytical procedures for various drugs
and their metabolites, it was observed that the structural features of APZ have
not been fully exploited for designing such procedures. As the extraction
spectrophotometric procedures are popular for their sensitivity and selectively
in the assay of drugs, the technique was therefore utilized in the present work
for the estimation of APZ.
A thorough literature survey of the extraction spectrophotometric
determination of drugs reveals that many acid dyes belonging to azo, amino anthroquinone,
indigoid are studied in determination of compounds exhibiting basic properties
(e.g. amines, quaternary ammonium compounds, heterocyclic compounds). In continuation of these studies. The present paper
describes four simple and sensitive extraction spectrophotometric methods for
the determination of APZ, based on its tendency to form chloroform extractable
ion – association complexes with acidic dyes belonging to different chemical
classes, namely, wool Fast Blue (Phenazine dye;
method A), Orange II (Azo dye; method B), Naphthalene
Blue 12 BR, NB-12BR (azo dye; method C) or Azocarmine (Phenazine dye; method
D) under specified experimental conditions by exploiting the basic nature of
the drug molecule .
A Systronics UV-vis
spectrophotometer 117 with 1 cm matched quartz cells were used for all spectral
and absorbance measurements. A Systronics digital pH meter 361 was used for pH
All reagents and chemicals used were of analytical or pharmacopoeial grade purity and doubly distilled water was
used throughout.
Dye solution:
Aqueous solutions of WFB BL (0.2% w/v, Flukas),
TPooo (0.2% w/v, Fluka),
NB-12 BR (0.2% w/v, BPH, Poole, UK) and AG (0.05), w/v, Gurr)
where prepared by dissolving the required amount in doubly distilled
water. The solutions were washed with
chloroform to remove the chloroform soluble impurities and the residual solvent
was removed by bubbling with Nitrogen.
Buffer solutions:
The glycine – HCl
buffer solutions (pH 1.5 for methods A, C, D and 0.1 M HCl
for method B) were prepared.
Preparation of standard drug Solution :
A 1mg/mL stock solution of APZ was
prepared by dissolving 100 mg of the drug in 100 mL
of water. Working standard solutions were obtained by appropriate dilution of
the stock solution with the same solvent. (40 μg/mL, for methods A, b and C 20 μg/mL for method D).
Recommended Procedures
Methods A, C and D:
Into a series of 125 ml separating funnels containing aliquots of
standard APZ solution [(0.5-2.5ml; 40 μg/ml,
method A or 0.5-2.5ml; 40 μg/ml, method B or
0.5-2.5ml; 40 μg/ml, method C or 1.0 -3-0 ml; 20
μg/ml method D) 6.0ml buffer pH
1.5 (methods A, C, D) and 2.0 ml of dye solution [WFBBL (method A); NB12BR
(method C); AG (method D)] were added.
The total volume of aqueous phase in each separating funnel was adjusted
to 15.0 ml with distilled water and 10.0 ml of chloroform was added. The contents were shaken for 2 min. The two phases were allowed to separate, and
the absorbance of the separated organic layer were measured at appropriate lmax [(580 nm (method A), 620nm (method C) or 540 nm (method D)] against the
corresponding reagent blank within the stability period (1 min-3 h, method A, C, D). The amount of
APZ was computed from the respective calibration curves.
Analysis of Pharmaceutical
A portion of pharmaceutical preparation (tablets) equivalent to
100 mg of active ingredient was extracted with chloroform and filtered if any
insoluble portion was left. The combined
chloroform extract was gently evoparated. The residue
was dissolved in distilled water and subsequently the volume was brought to
100ml with the same solvent to get 1mg/ml. The stock solution was further
diluted to provide the working solutions and these were analyzed as described
under the procedure for bulk samples.
Conditions under which the reaction of APZ with each dye fulfils
the essential analytical requirements were investigated. All the experimental
conditions studied were optimized at room temperature (25 ±30C)
and were established by varying one parameter at a time [10] and observing its
effect on the absorbance of the colored species.
In the preliminary experiments, in view of developing methods of
analysis suitable for assaying small quantities of APZ, eight acidic dyes such
as Wool Fast Blue, Alizarin Red, suprachen violet 3B,
Fast green FCF, Tropacolinooo, Naphthalene Blue 12
BR, Bromocresol green and Bromopyragallol
Red were tested at various pH ranges as the colour
producing agents by a dye salt partition technique. Different organic solvents
such as benzene, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, ethyl acetate, dichloromethane and methyl isobutyl ketone
were tested for the extraction of the ion-association complex formed between
the APZ and each dye. The criterion for the best dye was the highest absorbance
value of the complex in the organic phase at the wavelength of maximum
absorbance .The above studies reveal that four dyes namely WFB BL, TPooo, NB-12BR, AG gave better results than the other dyes.
These dyes also gave low absorbance for the reagent blank. Chloroform was suggested as the solvent of
choice for the extraction of the colored complex with respect to maximum
In order to establish the optimum pH range (for methods A, C and
D) or acid strength (for method B), the APZ was allowed to react with the
respective dye in aqueous solution buffered between pH 1.0-10.0 (methods A, C
and D) or in dilute HCl ranging from 0.05 – 1.5 M
(method B) and the complex formed was extracted into chloroform for absorbance
measurement. The results show that a
quantitative extraction was produced between pH 1.1 – 1.5 (methods A, C and D),
or with an acid strength of 0.08 – 0.12 M HCl (method
B). All subsequent studies were carried out at pH 1.5 (for methods A, C and D)
or 0.1 M HCl (for method B). The pH was adjusted using a glycine – HCl buffer solution
(this buffer was chosen on account of its elevated complexing
ability, which could be of use in overcoming interferences). The volume of this buffer added (4 – 10 mL) had no effect in methods A, C and D respectively. A 6.0 mL portion of
0.1 M HCl solution was found to be optimal in method
B. The minimum shaking time was determined by varying the shaking time from
1-10 min; although 1 min was sufficient, prolonged shaking had no adverse
effect on the extraction and 2 min was selected for this study. A ratio of 2:3 (for methods A, B, C and D) of
organic to aqueous phases was required for efficient extraction of the colored
species and lower reagent blank reading .It was found that better
reproducibility and a lower reagent blank were achieved if the dye was purified
by extraction with chloroform initially.
TABLE I. Optical and Regression characteristics, Precision, Accuracy of the proposed methods
Optical Characteristics |
A |
B |
C |
D |
Tpooo |
NB12BR |
AG |
lmax (nm) |
590 |
480 |
620 |
550 |
Beer’s Law limits (mg/mL) |
1-10 |
2-12 |
2-12 |
1-8 |
Molar absorptivity (l mol-1cm-1) |
2.992x104 |
2.589x104 |
2.847x104 |
3.847x104 |
Correlation coefficient (r) |
0.9999 |
0.9999 |
0.9999 |
0.9999 |
Sandell’s sensitivity (mg/cm2/
0.001 absorbance unit) |
0.015 |
0.017 |
0.016 |
0.012 |
Regression Equation ( y = a + bc) (i)Slope (b) |
0.0668 |
0.0579 |
0.0635 |
0.0855 |
(ii) Standard Deviation on slope (Sb) |
0.0004 |
0.0004 |
0.0005 |
0.0006 |
(iii) Intercept (a) |
-0.0017 |
0.0026 |
-0.0019 |
0.0016 |
Deviation on intercept(Sa) |
0.0029 |
0.0031 |
0.0029 |
0.0025 |
(v) Standard Error of Estimation (Se) |
0.0028 |
0.003 |
0.0027 |
0.0018 |
Relative Standard Deviation * |
0.3467 |
0.3791 |
0.3476 |
0.4268 |
% of range error (confidence limit) (i) 0.05 level |
0.290 |
0.317 |
0.291 |
0.357 |
(ii) 0.01 level |
0.429 |
0.469 |
0.431 |
0.528 |
% error in bulk samples |
0.001 |
-0.054 |
-0.123 |
-0.058 |
* Average of six determinations
TABLE 2. Determination
of APZ in pharmaceutical formulations
Sample |
Labeled amount (mg) |
Amount found by Proposed Methods* |
Ref. method |
%Recovery by Proposed methods** |
(Method A) WFB BL |
(Method B) TPooo |
(Method C) NB 12BR |
(Method D) AG |
(Method A) |
(Method B) |
(Method C) |
(Method D) |
Tab I |
5 |
5.00 ± 0.031 F=2.06 t=1.16 |
4.99± 0.027 F=1.54 t=0.46 |
5.01± 0.020 F=1.36 t=0.78 |
4.99± 0.024 F=1.25 t=1.08 |
4.98± 0.022 |
100.13 ± 0.63 |
99.88± 0.54 |
100.01 ±0.37 |
99.97± 0.49 |
Tab II |
5 |
4.99± 0.010 F-2.57 t=0.22 |
4.99± 0.012 F=3.72 t=0.99 |
5.00± 0.006 F=1.18 t=0.99 |
4.99± 0.010 F=2.67 t=0.22 |
4.99± 0.006 |
99.27 ±0.20 |
99.86 ± 0..24 |
99.99 ± 0.11 |
99.27 ± 0.20 |
Tab III |
10 |
9.99± 0.014 F=1.87 t=0.99 |
10.00± 0.028 F=3.10 t=0.27 |
9.96± 0.021 F=1.12 t=1.35 |
9.98± 0.020 F=1.11 t=1.86 |
9.98± 0.019 |
99.92 ± 1.14 |
100.05 ± 0.28 |
99.64 ±0.28 |
99.97 ± 0.20 |
Tab IV |
10 |
9.97± 0.044 F=2.28 t=0.33 |
10.00± 0.038 F=3.10 t=0.27 |
9.97± 0.040 F=2.81 t=0.27 |
10.04± 0.037 F=3.16 t=1.44 |
9.99± 0.067 |
99.92 ± 0.14 |
100.00 ± 0.38 |
99.77 ± 0.40 |
100.40 ± 0.38 |
The optical characteristics such as the Beer’s law limits, molar
absorption coefficient, Sandell’s sensitivity,
regression equation and correlation coefficient obtained by linear least
squares treatment of the results for the systems involving telmisartan
with the mentioned dyes are presented in Table 1. Estimating six replicates of APZ within
Beer’s law limits tested the precision of each method. The percent standard deviation and the
percent range of error at 95% confidence limit are given in Table 1.
Aripiprazole being basic in nature forms an
ion-association complex with the acidic dye which is extractable into
chloroform. The stoichiometric
ratio of the dye to drug was determined by the slope ratio method and found to
be 1: 1(for methods A, B and D), 2:1 (for method C). The quantitative measure
of the effect of complexation on acid-base
equilibrium is most likely to be interpretable in terms of electronic, steric and other effects of complexing. The possible structure of the ion-association
complex in each instance was established based on the analogy reports for
similar types of molecules with acidic dyes and was further confirmed by
slope-ratio studies. The protonated nitrogen
(positive charge) of the drug molecule in acid medium is expected to attract
the oppositely charged part (negative charge) of the dye and behave as a single
unit being held together by electrostatic attraction.
A significant advantage of an extraction spectrophotometric
determination is that it can be applied to the determination of individual
compounds in a multicomponent mixture. This aspect of spectrophotometric analysis is
of major interest in analytical pharmacy since it offers distinct possibilities
in the assay of a particular component in a complex dosage formulation. In the
present study, Aripiprazole was determined
successfully as a pure compound as well as a component in representative dosage
formulations. The ingredients usually
present in the dosage forms of naratriptan did not
interfere in the proposed methods. Thus,
the proposed methods are simple, rapid with reasonable precision and accuracy
when compared with many of the reported methods and offer advantage in that
only a small amount of drug or dosage formulation is enough for analysis.
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Received on 12.11.2013 Accepted on 02.12.2013
© Asian Pharma
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J. Pharm. Ana. 3(4): Oct. - Dec. 2013; Page 127-130