Hydro Chemical Assessment of
Ground and Surface Water Bodies in and Around of NTPC Seepat,
Bilaspur (C.G.) India.
Milan Hait1*, Leena Sahu2 and Kavita Nag1
1Dept. of Chemistry, Dr. C.V. Raman University, Kargi
Road, Kota, Bilaspur, C.G.-495113, India.
2Columbia Institute of Pharmacy, Tekari,
Raipur, C.G.
Author E-mail: milan_hait@yahoo.co.in;
Analytical studies of some selected physico-chemical
parameter were made on the surface and underground water bodies at NTPC Sipat, Bilaspur. It is situated 20
km away from the Bilaspur city, Chhattisgarh. Both
surface and underground water samples were collected from different sampling
spot in the month of September’2010. Temperature, PH, E.C, TDS, D.O
etc. were analyzed instantly on the sampling spots while T.S, TSS, TH,
Alkalinity, D.O, BOD, COD, Cl−,F−, SO42−,
NO3−, Fe etc. were analyzed in the laboratory of
pollution Control Board, Bilaspur, C.G. It was
observed that Temperature, PH, Alkalinity, TH, DO, BOD, Cl−, F−, SO42−, NO3−
and Fe have higher value than maximum permissible limit of IS: 10500. The
elevated values of these parameters are of great concern to public health when
the water from these well, bore well and hand pump are consumed by people
without treatment. Commercial effluents polluted both surface and underground
water bodies.
KEYWORDS: Physiochemical property, commercial effluent, surface water,
underground water.
Water is an important asset of ecology, since life without water
is impossible. Scarcity and lack of pure drinking water in the ecology will
create disorder leading to ecological imbalance. Water is the most essential commodity for human consumption
without it no life can exist. Pure
drinking water resources are dwindling due to deforestation, mining and
industrialization. Approximately 71% of the earth surface is covered with
water, mainly in the form of oceans. Around 2% of the water is present in
glacier and ice caps. The actual fresh water is available for human consumption
is around 1% of the total earth water. Ground and surface water used by man are
of different characteristics. Ground water contains dissolved minerals from the
soil layers through which it passes. Surface water contains a lot of organic
matter and mineral nutrients1-3. Domestic waste includes human
excreta, paper cloths, soap and detergents etc. these are the major part of
water pollutants.
Uncontrolled dumping of wastes of rural areas, towns and cities
into the ponds, lake and stream of rivers, is being observed. Due to
accumulation of sewage and other wastes into the water resources this is no
longer remain recyclable; as a result their self regulatory capability is lost.
The decomposition of these wastes is largely on aerobic process which in turn
takes up more and more oxygen from water rendering it low oxygen content.
Drinking water quality is a matter of concern, as it is related to human health
and drinking water resources have been contaminated directly or indirectly by
pollutants released from various sources in atmosphere4-6.
Study Area:
has set up a Super Thermal Power Project by use the super critical boiler
technology at Sipat, near Bilaspur
city. Sipat is located at Bilaspur-Baloda
road and Bilaspur-Korba Railway track. It is 20 K.M.
away from Bilaspur district head quarters in North
direction. It is situated between 2207'42" N to 820 17' 40"
E. This area is belonging to Masturi-Block and its
attachment area contains 174 villages. Total area is 1603 Hect,
and population had recorded 3086 according to 2001 census. The population
density is 185 persons per sq. k.m. The study area is
surrounded by small hills and mild forest in which Saguon,
U.K. Lyptus, Bumbusa, Palash etc. are occurs.
The topographically height of the area is 360.63 Meter from means sea level and
average temperature 450C and average rain fall 1220 mm, geologically
study field is high grade area and metamorphic of archean
age, red stone and found in 6-10 feet single crops are cultivated over this are
National Thermal Power Corporation is major industrial unit, which is running
since 2008.
There are four power plants producing 2900 Mega Watt unit is under
processing. The main input of this power generation plant is coal and water,
the coal is furnished from Gewra and Dipka coal-mines by train track waste products such as coal
ash dumping underground 5 K.M. away from plant unit. Small, scale industries
like steel plant and rice mills are also conducting in this region. Due to
unscientifically and in discriminated, dumping of solid and liquid waste. The
different systems of environment such as Air, Water and Soil becoming
continuously contaminated and day to day unfit for domestic industrial and
agricultural purpose. Hence we have undertaken to analyze water in reference of
physicochemical parameters.
In our study, we have selected ten sampling spot which were named
as SW1 –Nargoda- pond water, SW2 –
Seepat- well water, SW3 – Janji- Pond Water, SW4 – Rank- Bore well Water,
SW5 – Ralia- tube well water, SW6
– Gudi- Pond Water,
SW7 – N.T.P.C. Reservoir – pond water , SW8 – Kaudia-
Borwell Water, SW9 – Sukhripali-
Rakhad Dam Water, SW10 – Darrabhatha- Bore well water. Water samples from these study
area, selected surface and underground water bodies were collected and analyses
were carried out by the standard protocol7-20. Water samples were
collected in 2 lit. Polyethylene jerry canes previously soaked with 8M HNO3
and clean with detergent followed by rinsing with double distilled water.
The collected water samples were preserved in ice cooled chamber and kept in
dark room7,16,17. Double distilled water
was always used in the analysis and in all the solution preparation. All the chemicals used in the investigation
were of analytical grade procured from E marks, Germany and Qualigens,
Mumbai India of high purity. All the glassware are of
graduated, calibrated and of carrying grade, manufacture by Borosil,
The following parameters were analyzed using standard procedures;
Temperature, pH, E.C, T.S, TDS, TSS, Alkalinity, D.O, BOD, COD, F−,
Cl−, SO42−,
Fe, NO3− etc. The Temperature, pH, EC,
DO, TDS, Salinity etc. were monitored instantly on the water sample spot while
the others were analyzed in the laboratory of pollution Control Board, Bilaspur, C.G. The results are tabulated in the table 1.
Temperature, pH, E.C, Salinity, TDS and D.O were measured With
Electronic India made nine parameter analyzer kit (Model No.172). Total
hardness was determined by complexometric titration
with standard EDTA as titrant in the presence of EBT
indicator. TS was determined by gravimetrically while
TSS was determined by subtracting TS and TDS. BOD was determined by incubation
method and COD was determined by reflux method. Cl−
was determined by AgNO3 titration method using K2Cr2O7
as indicator (Vogel and Bassett, 1978). F−, SO42−,
NO3− and Fe were determined by
spectrophotometrically (HACH DR/2010, UK).
Table 1: Water quality at NTPC Seepat and its surrounding areas
Parameter/ sampling spot |
SW1 |
SW2 |
SW3 |
SW4 |
SW5 |
SW6 |
SW7 |
SW8 |
SW9 |
SW10 |
IS: 10500 Limits |
Temperature |
29.2 |
27 |
26 |
25.5 |
29 |
25.3 |
29 |
29.7 |
29.5 |
30.2 |
PH |
7.17 |
8.18 |
7.37 |
7.92 |
9.23 |
7.3 |
8.51 |
7.9 |
8.57 |
7.58 |
6.5-8.5 |
Conductivity |
735 |
707 |
865 |
1089 |
969 |
1757 |
1601 |
1938 |
1662 |
1229 |
750 |
TS |
2102 |
1951 |
1887 |
1561 |
2020 |
2261 |
1751 |
2101 |
1991 |
1861 |
500-2000 |
1781 |
1671 |
1771 |
1405 |
1705 |
2051 |
1650 |
1758 |
1801 |
1661 |
500-2000 |
321 |
280 |
116 |
156 |
315 |
210 |
101 |
343 |
190 |
200 |
20-50 |
Alkalinity |
251 |
301 |
451 |
668 |
660 |
881 |
402 |
358 |
361 |
421 |
200-600 |
Total Hardness |
501 |
437 |
477 |
501 |
448 |
768 |
517 |
491 |
499 |
616 |
300-600 |
D.O |
12.5 |
10 |
3.7 |
8.7 |
3.5 |
7.7 |
4.3 |
7.5 |
5.6 |
5.6 |
5 |
B.O.D |
4.1 |
5.2 |
4.3 |
6.2 |
7.8 |
9.1 |
7.8 |
8.1 |
6.2 |
5.54 |
5 |
C.O.D |
7.8 |
9.1 |
10.2 |
7.7 |
11 |
13.07 |
11.8 |
7.9 |
8.5 |
10.7 |
10 |
Cl− |
361 |
441 |
550 |
557 |
521 |
1050 |
1002 |
998 |
886 |
807 |
250-1000 |
F− |
1.3 |
1.2 |
1.19 |
1.25 |
1.11 |
1.32 |
1.31 |
1.29 |
1.19 |
0.99 |
1-1.2 |
SO42− |
201 |
451 |
449 |
448 |
451 |
491 |
421 |
387 |
336 |
291 |
200-400 |
NO3− |
41.2 |
56.7 |
50.6 |
46.8 |
49.3 |
63.1 |
54.7 |
48.4 |
77.6 |
42.5 |
45 |
Fe |
1.29 |
0.98 |
1.22 |
1.39 |
1.11 |
1.2 |
0.96 |
2.1 |
1.33 |
1.19 |
0.1-1.0 |
SW1 –Nargoda- pond water, SW2 – Seepat-
well water, SW3 – Janji- Pond Water, SW4
– Rank- Bore well Water, SW5 – Ralia- tube
well water, SW6 – Gudi- Pond Water, SW7 – N.T.P.C. Reservoir – pond
water , SW8 – Kaudia- Borwell Water, SW9
– Sukhripali- Rakhad Dam
Water, SW10 – Darrabhatha- Bore well
In our investigation we have analyzed some physiochemical
properties of different sampling spot around NTPC, Seepat
(SW1 – SW10). After experiment the data were obtained
which has compared with the desirable and permissible limit as per IS: 10500
and WHO.
Temperature: The standard temperature for the portable
water is 7o C to 11oC. In our study the temperature range
was obtained from 25.3oC to 30.2oC as the minimum and
maximum from spot SW6 and SW10 respectively. This
temperature was 3-4 times greater than standard temperature.
pH : The standard pH of the drinking
water is 6.5 to 8.5 on per different water monitoring agencies. In our
investigation the result were obtained from 7.17 to 9.23. The high pH
9.23 was showed from the sampling spot SW5. The reason may be
discharged of industrial wastes containing high quality of OH– and
HCO3– ion.
EC: The values were recorded from 707μS to 1938 μS as low and high value on the sampling spot SW2
and SW8. This low and higher value indicates the amount of dissolved
ion in different water source.
TDS: It was measured 1405 mg/L as minimum while 2051 mg/L as the
maximum value from sampling spot SW4 and SW6 respectively.
The maximum value was above the desirable limit.
TS: The high value was reported above the desirable limit on the
sampling spot SW6, 2261 mg/L and low value was reported on the
sampling spot on SW4, 1561 mg/L. This maximum value indicates an
industrial effluent has discharge before treatment in the different water
TSS: The minimum value, 101 mg/L was reported on spot SW7 while
maximum value was 343 mg/L on SW8.
Alkalinity: 251 mg/L was reported as the minimum value was from
spot SW1 and sampling spot SW6 showed maximum value 881
mg/L. Both maximum and minimum value was above the permissible limit 200 mg/L
as per the IS: 10500. The higher alkalinity is due to the presence of higher
amount of OH– ion.
Total Hardness: The low and high value of TH was reported on SW2
and SW6: 437 mg/L and 768
mg/L respectively. The high value may cause the presence of Ca2+, Fe2+,
Mg2+, Cl–, SO42–
D.O: The minimum value was showed 3.5 mg/L from spot SW5
and 12.5 mg/L
as the high value from the spot SW1. All the sampling spot mentioned,
above the desirable and permissible limit, 5 mg/L as per the IS: 10500; except
SW3, SW5 and SW7. The high values of D.O
indicate the aquatic environment is fit for the aquatic animal.
BOD: This parameter was showed 4.1 mg/L as low and 9.1 mg/L as the
high value on sampling spot SW1 and SW6 respectively. The
higher value of BOD showed above the permissible limit, 5 mg/L as per the IS:
COD: The minimum value was obtained 7.7 mg/L on the spot SW4 and
the maximum value was obtained 13.07 on SW6 which is above the
permissible limit as per the IS: 10500.
Cl−: It was measured by argentometric
titration method, 361 mg/L as the low value and 1050 mg/L as the high value was
reported from the sampling spot SW1 and SW6 respectively.
F− : It was measured by
spectrophotometrically at 570 nm by preparing and comparing with standard
curve. The result of this parameter was obtained under desirable limit 0.99mg/L
(on sampling spot SW10) to 1.32 mg/L (on sampling spot SW6).
SO42− : It was detected by
spectrophotometrically at 420 nm by preparing and comparing with standard
curve. 491 mg/L was noted down as maximum amount on sampling spot SW6 while
201 mg/L minimum value on sampling spot SW1.
NO3− : It was
measured spectrophotometrically at 410 nm by preparing and comparing with
standard curve. 41.2 mg/L was noted down as minimum value while 77.6 mg/L as
maximum value on sampling spot SW1 and SW9 respectively.
Fe : It was detected by spectrophotometrically at 510 nm by
preparing and comparing with standard curve. Its value was obtained above the
desirable limit. The maximum value was reported 2.1 mg/L on sampling spot SW8
while minimum value was reported 0.96 mg/L on sampling spot SW7.
The higher value was due to contamination of industrial effluents.
The value of some physicochemical properties (Temperature, PH,
TSS, Alkalinity, Total hardness, DO, BOD, Cl−,
F−, SO42−, NO3−,
Fe etc.) in the study of surface and underground waters is higher than the
recommended limit is an indication of pollution hazards. Both surface water and
underground water bodies are polluted with the contamination of commercial
effluents which may hampered public health.
The authors are grateful to
Mr. S. K Verma, Junior Scientist and Mr. C. B. Patel, Regional officer, Pollution
Control Board, Bilaspur for their kind help and
providing research facilities to carry out the research work.
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Received on 09.06.2013 Accepted on 15.07.2013
© Asian Pharma
Press All Right Reserved
J. Pharm. Ana. 3(3):
July-Sept. 2013; Page 79-82